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Terms of service

Files sent through this application are only intended for the specific receiver, sharing iligal files with other people is not allowed. You have to be 16 to use our tools. Your content is yours – you own it, and you are responsible for it. We’ll only do what’s needed for our services to work properly. If you are doing something illegal, in this case we can block and/or delete your stuff, and suspend your account. We may make changes to our terms, service and/or fees from time to time. If you have an account and don’t like something we change, you can always cancel at any time. And we should mention that you use our service at your own risk; we are not liable for any damages if things go wrong.

About us

OnlineFileSystem was founded in 2018 as a simple way to send big files around the world. Now we’re a whole suite of productivity tools that take care of other tricky bits of the creative process—doing our bit for the planet along the way. Our servers, computers and systems consume entirely reneweble energy coming from our solar panels and Tesla Powerwall batteries. We strive to use our business as a force for good. From campaigning for issues like climate change and mental health support. We’re committed to a better internet and a better world for everyone.


We are excited to offer up to 5Gb of free file transfer!
Feel free to try our free services and spread the word!

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